Privacy Policy

Effective as of September 15th, 2015

We take privacy seriously at Intoli, LLC and want you to be aware of how we handle your information. This document describes what information we collect and what it is used for. It applies to all interactions with the the Website as define in our Terms of Service. We may update this policy in the future and will indicate any recent changes by adjusting the "effective" date shown above. To stay informed of any recent changes you should periodically check this page.

Use of this site constitutes your agreement with our privacy policy, described in this document. As such you should read the following document carefully before using this site or any affiliated services or products.

  1. Personal Information

    1. Usage Information

      We may record information about your usage of the Website, such as your web browser, when you use the Website, what website referred you to the Website, and what specific pages you visit on the Website. We may use transparent images (a.k.a. “Web Beacons”) in emails sent to our users to track which emails are opened.

      We may use third party service providers to help us collect usage data. For example, we use Google Analytics to track usage. This product has its own associated privacy policy which can be found here .

    2. Submitted Content

      Threadshots that are submitted to the site may include names and pictures of individuals. We offer a setting, which is on by default, to automatically obscure this personal information. You may, however, choose not to use this setting or the automatic process may miss something that still reveals personal information. Additionally, comments, titles, or other text content submitted to the site may include personal information. You acknowledge that this information becaomes publicly available and that it can be accessed by third parties.

    3. Activity

      We collect personal information about our users when they make certain actions. We collect and store the names, addresses, and email addresses of users who make purchases. For users who submit threadshots to the site we store their names, usernames, profile ids, and emails as they appear on Your credit card information is not stored by us on our servers. We use Stripe to process payments and they have their own privacy policy that applies.

  2. How We Use Your Information

    1. Usage Information

      We use your usage information to improve the design of the Website and to create new functionality for the Website based on user preferences and trends.

    2. Submitted Content

      Submitted content is displayed on the site and a limited license to view and redistribute this content is granted to users as laid out in our Terms of Service

    3. Order Information

      We use the information gathered about users who make purchases to fulfill those orders. The addresses are used for shipping products while the names and email addresses are used for communicating with the user and confirming the purchase.

    4. Submitter Information

      We use the information gathered about users who submit threadshots to group their submissions for easy access and administration by the submitter. We also use this information to contact them and inform them of the link where they can perform this administration. This allows them to delete submissions as well as to modify privacy settings.

  3. Data Security

    We take data security very seriously at Intoli, LLC.

    1. Unlisted Images

      Every image created using the ThreadShots browser extension is uploaded to where it is given a unique URL. Regardless of your choice to list it publicly or not, anyone who visits that exact URL will be able to view the image. Therefore, you should be aware that any image uploaded is, technically, publicly available. There are, however, over 56 billion possible urls for images so the likelihood of someone stumbling upon a random page is small.

    2. Settings Pages

      Similarly, settings pages are technically available publicly if somebody has an URL which encodes a secret key given to the submitter. This secret key plays the same role that a password normally would and for each image or submitter there are over 3*10 21 possible secret keys. If somebody could guess one million keys per second then it would still take them over 100 million years to guess all of the possible keys for a single image page.

  4. Cookies and IP Logs

    We use cookies, transparent images, and log file information to: (a) monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns; (b) provide personalized content; and (c) monitor aggregated statistics about conversion rates, bounce rates, etc.

  5. Opt-out

    1. Submission of Personal Information

      You may decline to make submissions using the Extension if you do not wish to reveal your own personal information. You can also decline to make a purchase on the site to avoid submitting personally identifying information. You can use the automatic setting for obscuring personal information on your submissions to avoid sharing the personal information of others. If this tool malfunctions then you have the option to immediately delete a submission.

    2. Cookies

      You may refuse cookies and still use the site (although some functionality might break). Most web browsers accept cookies by default but this setting can be changed. Your web browser will also give you the option to delete any existing cookies that have already accepted.

  6. Compliance with the Law

    When required by law, as in response to a court order or a subpoena, we may disclose any and all information we collect. An advance notice may be sent to any affected individuals although we are not required to do so and will use our discretion when making the decision.

  7. Contact Us

    If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy you can email us at or write to us at:

    Intoli, LLC


    725 NW 4th Ave

    Gainesville, FL 32601